How to make your phone secure


Looking to make your phone secure? We don't blame you...

Your phone knows everything about you and any secret you have told it, this is why the need to make your phone secure is getting more serious by the day. You have hundreds of photos, bank details and messages that you may not want others to see.

It is quite easy top make your phone secure, that’s if you know what you’re doing. Don’t worry, we’ll walk you through some of our big tips.

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Update the software

While many phone manufacturers are slow to role out software updates, they’re very important to keeping your device safe and secure. The updates can get rid of any bugs that have been there since the last update, the updates even contain security patches so it helps prevent online hackers or even theft and helps make your phone secure.

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It’s also important that you charge your device enough/connect your device to a charger before you continue to update your device, this is due to the damage that turning off your phone while software downloads, is very bad.

To check for an update on iPhone, you need to go to Settings > General > Software update. It will check for an update and will prompt you to update if one is ready to install. 

To check for an update on an Android phone, you need to go to Settings > About Phone > Software update. Like the iPhone, it will check for an update and prompt you to update if one is available to install.


Don’t connect to open Wi-Fi sources

Open Wi-Fi in public is very common now, offering people the chance to connect to the internet for free, without using your data. The only thing about open networks is that they are generally not secure and is a easy target for hackers. 

You can still connect to open Wi-Fi networks, especially one in a location you trust (McDonald’s) but just make sure it is actually their network and not a fake one. Also, don’t access important apps like your banking app while on a open network, just in case.


Change your pass word/code/pattern regularly 

If your phone has a fingerprint sensor or FaceID, you will have a backup passcode to enter, so this is relevant to you too! 

Changing your passcode regularly is key to keeping your phone secure from thief, you never know who sees you enter your code, they may even remember the code you used. Don’t make it easy for thieves to crack into your phone.

To change the password/code on your phone just go into the security settings.

Use Google’s Find Your Phone website/app

If your phone gets lost or stolen you can use the Google Find your Phone App to lock, locate or wipe your mobile phone. If you can’t find it on the locator (or are worried it’s been stolen) you can lock the phone and even wipe all of the data off of the device. 

It also has another feature that allows you to call your phone if you think you have lost it on a field for example. 

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