Where is the best place to sell phone in the UK?

Best place to sell phone uk

Best Place to Sell Phone (UK)

There are plenty of reasons you might want to sell your phone. You may want to trade in your old phone for money off a new one, or maybe you’re looking to transform your old device into cash.

The important question is: where is the best place to sell your old device? There are plenty of different options to choose from. This article will dive into the available options, as well as the pros and cons of each.

Top 5 places to sell your mobile phone

1. The Big Phone Store

As an independent refurbisher, The Big Phone Store is able to boost the value of your traded-in phone by repairing, restoring and fully testing it before selling it on. And because we’re independent, there’s no middle-man to pay – so we can pass the full value of your device on to you! Here’s a few more things that make our trade-ins stand out:

    • Fast payments

    • Competitive prices

    • Ship today

    • Same-day payment

    • Near Wolverhampton? Visit us in-store!

    • Industry-leading reviews

    • Buys broken phones

2. Envirofone

Envirofone has a lot in common with us. Their unique offering is Envirocash – you can get paid more for your device if you opt for their in-store credit rather than a cash payout. This is great for people who trust Envirofone as the place to buy their next device, but it does mean that you have to wait for your trade-in to be completed before you can buy a new phone from them.

    • Fast payments

    • Competitive prices

    • Envirocash

3. Back Market

With the slogan ‘Tech Reborn’, Back Market is an online marketplace that specialises in second-hand tech. The website brings together a huge number of independent refurbishers, all under the same roof. This has some benefits, such as the trade-in value being standardised across competing recyclers. It also has some drawbacks, as you’re essentially paying Back Market to be a middle-man between you and an independent recycler.

4. CEX

Similar to Envirofone, you’ll get more money with CEX if you opt for in-store credit. However, this limits you to only buying items from CEX. More importantly, CEX is not a repair or refurbishment outlet, and they do not pay out for broken or faulty devices.

5. Amazon / eBay

While eBay retains its ‘sell it yourself’ way of doing things, Amazon has introduced a trade-in service for your old smartphone, similar to Back Market. So with Amazon, selling your phone has become something where you have another third-party to pay. Meanwhile, selling via eBay comes with certain risks, especially if there’s a dispute over your phone arriving with the buyer. If you can stomach those risks, and you’re happy to manage the selling price of your old phone yourself, then selling by eBay might be for you! The extra hassle could net you slightly more money for your old mobile.